Donation of Vetrozelena: the settlement in Pančevo is richer by 100 plane trees

05/28/2024   •   Customer news
Donation of Vetrozelena: the settlement in Pančevo is richer by 100 plane trees
The CWP Europe company, through its Vetrozelena project, carried out a greening campaign in the Kotež 2 settlement in Pančevo, during which 100 plane trees were planted. This initiative is part of the company's broader strategy to improve local infrastructure, preserve the environment and support the local community. 

The greening action was the result of cooperation with the City Administration of Pancevo and PUC "Zelenilo" Pančevo, which recognised local needs and selected the appropriate type of seedlings, as well as the planting location. This action not only contributes to the improvement of the aesthetic appearance of the city but also positively affects the improvement of air quality and the environment.

 Jovanka Atanacković, Country Manager Serbia at CWP Europe company, pointed out that this action symbolises the company's commitment to preserving nature and improving the living standards of the local population. "I am very proud that by planting 100 plane trees, we enriched the Kotež 2 settlement, creating a more beautiful and healthy environment for the community. These trees, which enrich the environment with their longevity and numerous benefits, symbolise the lasting value and multiple positive impact of our renewable energy projects. Just as plane trees provide their benefits throughout the centuries, providing shade and purifying air, our projects contribute to the stability and long-term prosperity of the community. When I think of the generations that will enjoy under the canopy of these trees, I feel great joy and pride that, together with the City Administration of Pancevo and JUC "Zelenilo" Pancevo, we are creating a green future for all of us." 

Maja Vitman, city manager of the City of Pančevo, added: "The City of Pančevo annually plants hundreds of seedlings throughout the city. Today, we do it with partners who feel and value the importance of a healthier environment. The initiative of the CWP Europe company made us happy and we gladly accepted it. This company is a leader in the development of renewable energy projects in Southeast Europe. Today we are richer for 100 new plane trees in our city, and tomorrow some new children will play under the crowns of these wonderful trees. The chosen location, where the children's playground is also set up, has multiple significance. We are grateful for the donation and social responsibility, and we invite all businessmen in the city to, together with the local self-government and competent companies, take this step towards preserving nature and a healthier future."

The planting of plane trees is one of a series of actions organised by the CWP company in Pančevo. Among them, the small ecology school for children "Eko Academics" and the eco-festival "Re:connect" stand out. Also, the company financed seven local initiatives registered for the "Ideas that Drive Change" competition, which was realised in cooperation with the Pančevo Local Foundation. 

In April last year, CWP partnered with the Chinese company PowerChina Resources to build the Vetrozelena wind farm in the area of Pančevo, with an installed capacity of 300 MW, which will become the largest wind farm in Serbia and one of the largest in the region upon completion. The expected annual production of the entire wind farm is about 750 GWh, which will meet the needs for supplying more than 185,000 households with green electricity.

In addition to the positive impact on the environment, the socio-economic impact of the Vetrozelena project is also significant for the municipality, which is visible through all previous investments. CWP will continue to listen to the needs of local communities in order to continue on the path to a green future through joint efforts.
Donation of Vetrozelena: the settlement in Pančevo is richer by 100 plane trees