Dr. Oetker: waste management and commitment to nature conservation

03/13/2024   •   Customer news
Dr. Oetker: waste management and commitment to nature conservation
As a manufacturer of food products, we are aware of the impact of waste on the environment. In our effort to be responsible for the planet, we have established complete transparency in waste management in our production and cooperation with retail chains. 

We cooperate with relevant waste collection and recycling services to ensure sustainable waste management. We report all packaging waste that we place on the market to the Environmental Protection Agency and pay a fee to the operator for transport, disposal, and recycling, in accordance with the fulfillment of national goals for the reduction of that type of waste. 

Raw materials and the content of products that are not suitable for placing on the market, due to their condition, shelf life, or quality, are sent to compost. This process contributes to the creation of a useful bio-fertilizer that enriches the soil, accelerates the growth of plants, and thereby contributes to the preservation of nature in multiple ways. 

Although we have already implemented these measures, we try to control the life cycles of our products through proper planning of production and sales. By 2025, we plan to reduce organic waste in the production process in order to further contribute to sustainability and environmental protection.