It is important to nurture creativity

Milena Avramović Bjelica, executive director and co-founder of the agency Chapter 4 Communications Consulting, is among the 25 winners of the prestigious PRO PR GLOBE renowned award in the field of communications this year. In an interview with Bazar, she talks about what this award means to her, as well as about the position of the profession of public relations.
To begin with, could you tell us a little more about the award itself?
PRO PR Globe Awards is an international award, initiated by Danijel Koletić, owner of Apriori World agency and a colleague with experience and contacts around the world. The prize is awarded as part of the PRO PR conference, which is held every year in a different country of the former Yugoslavia. However, the specificity of this recognition, for colleagues around the world, is that it rewards individuals, not projects, who contribute to the quality of the public relations profession at the global, regional, and local levels.
Winners are nominated by former winners of this award, as well as members of the four most important world institutions that bring together representatives of the communications profession: Public Relations and Communications Association - PRCA, the International Public Relations Association - IPRA, The International Communications Consultancy Organization - ICCO and Chartered Institute of Public Relations - CIPR.
What does this award mean to you?
I was very surprised when Danijel Koletić informed me that I was the winner of this significant award. I am happy and proud to be among the excellent professionals who received this award in previous years, as well as this year. It really means a lot to me, not only personally, because it wouldn't have happened if I didn't have daily support, first of all, from my friend and partner Tamara Bekčić, with whom I founded PR agency Chapter 4 almost 15 years ago, but also the support of our entire team. The importance of this award is even greater because it is awarded by colleagues and communicators, so the responsibility of the winners is big because they must continue to improve and contribute to the profession in the future. From Serbia, in addition to me, Andrea Brbaklić, Suzana Miličić, and Jelena Milašinović received awards this year, and this year's winners come from as many as 15 countries.
What does the profession of public relations look like today and what is expected in the future?
Our industry is constantly evolving, in the sense that tools and channels are evolving. Advances in technology and the development of the Internet and various platforms have accelerated communication and enabled two-way communication with consumers and clients in real-time. But at the base of every successful communication lies a strategic approach to continuous communication that follows the business goals of companies or brands.
AI will continue to transform public relations, making certain actions easier and reducing the time it takes to prepare some materials. Chatbots will continue to improve the user experience and enable faster distribution of messages. Video and podcast content will be used even more in communication. Especially podcasts, because they can be listened to even when you're on the move, and video helps to communicate a lot of interesting and useful information in a few seconds or minutes. Social media, interactive content, and influencers will continue to be channels through which companies and brands try to create a personalized connection with users and ensure a good reputation.
With your experience and as the director of a successful Chapter 4 PR agency, what would you say to younger colleagues?
Our industry, like others, faces a serious talent challenge and challenges with how to find adequate staff who are ready to constantly learn, develop, know how to take advantage of opportunities, market stories, nurture reputation, strengthen media relations, and generally want and know how to establish a lasting relationship with clients and different audiences. Relationship in PR is everything, and it is built on trust. Anyone who wants to do PR must think strategically, be able to see the bigger picture, know where to look for information, be a team player, and pay attention to details. It is important that they nurture their creativity, but also that they are ready to constantly develop and look at older colleagues, and their achievements, and at the same time learn from their mistakes. It is equally important to work and behave in accordance with ethical rules, and to communicate clearly, truthfully, and transparently.