"The Mother of Diamonds" winner of this year's Neum Underwater Film Festival

08/29/2024   •   Customer news
"The Mother of Diamonds" winner of this year's Neum Underwater Film Festival
Last weekend, Neum was the center of an international meeting of authors and lovers of underwater films. The Neum Underwater Film Festival began with the screening of student and top-quality works by young authors from around the world. After the opening of the Festival, the screenings of the finalists started, which gave the participants the opportunity to enjoy a diverse program. 

Julijana Mikulić Jurković, who spoke on behalf of the Udruga Standard, expressed satisfaction with the number of registered films, the enthusiasm of the participants, as well as the presence of a large number of people who followed the festival live and via live streaming. 

The expert jury of the festival awarded the prize for the best Eco film to the French film "Aquaballet" directed by Marianne Aventurie, while the prize for the best camera was won by the German film "The Breath of the Depth" directed by Poul Bracker. The French film "Lumi", directed by Lola Lemouet, won the award for the best music, while the main prize went to the Austrian film "The Mother of Diamonds – Kimberlite", directed by Alexander Benedik. French director Mariane Aventurier won the audience award for the underwater film "Aquaballet". After the announcement of the best films, the entertainment continued with the Le Chicks group. 

As a part of the festival, an educational and environmental workshop "Sea and people" was held, led by Jurica Gašpar, member of the expert jury, editor and initiator of the portal and Morska TV, which dealt with the question How to find a synergy of coexistence between us and the sea we love? After the workshop and discussion with the participants, the film "Legends of Light" directed by Igor Goić was shown. 

The Neum Underwater Film Festival, organized by the Udruga Standard, continues its journey as an international cultural event that attracts authors from all over the world, audiences, underwater world lovers and activists every year.